Peggy Green-Ernst began organizing activities at an early age to bring people together for a common purpose, which ultimately landed her in the midst of national politics. She worked for decades on national public policy, serving as: Executive Director of a national organization for the housing and financial services industry; Director of Government Relations for a major manufacturing company; State of Texas Commissioner for the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission; Director of Government Relations and on the Board of Directors of Americans For Fair Taxation; and in many leadership positions for a variety of organizations in the public and private sectors.
She has been interviewed by the news media and on radio, has been a speaker on national issues, and has written books, articles, publications and congressional testimony. Due to her father’s military career in the U.S. Air Force for over 21 years, she attended school internationally in England, Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands, and the Panama Canal Zone in Central America as well as American schools in Texas and Mississippi. She earned her Master’s in Business Administration degree at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.
The pictures below weave a story about her business and political experiences over the years.