Congress Net Worth:
If you are curious about the Net Worth of your member of Congress, you can find an estimate by clicking on the link below.
Net Worth of Members of Congress (check on your member of Congress):
Changes in Net Worth of U.S. Senators and Representatives (Personal Gain Index)
Political Action Committees:
Political Action Committee donations to Members of Congress (check on your member of Congress):
Do you wonder who is making campaign donations to members of Congress? As mentioned in my book, a website by the nonpartisan organization, Center for Responsive Politics, provides a summary of political action committee (PAC) contributions for each member of the U.S. House of Representatives and of the U.S. Senate. The link below will take you directly to “Money in Politics”. You can find your member of Congress, specific industries, contributors, recipients, etc., and see how much money is being contributed to the campaigns of members of Congress. For example, on the right side of that screen, “Agribusiness” is showing as the industry sector, and you can look at different “Industries in this Sector”. Or you can go to the second item, “Pick another Sector”, and choose another industry, like Communications/Electronics or Finance/Insurance. After choosing, then click on the magnifying glass, which will take you to your new choice.
Contact Congress:
How to contact your members of Congress:
House of Representatives
Constitutional Amendment Process:
Americans are debating whether to pass a constitutional amendment for congressional term limits. The following is an explanation of that process. According to the U.S. National Archives, the Federal Register states the following: “The authority to amend the Constitution of the United States is derived from Article V of the Constitution... The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. None of the 27 amendments to the Constitution have been proposed by constitutional convention… A proposed amendment becomes part of the Constitution as soon as it is ratified by three-fourths of the States (38 of 50 States).”
National Archives:
America’s Founding documents include the following:
Declaration of Independence:
Constitution of the United States:
Bill of Rights:
“Media bias” rating organization:
How biased are your sources for news? You can check out your sources on the link below for MediaBias/FactCheck, a nonpartisan rating organization which assesses the bias of various media organizations, trustworthiness, loaded words, and misinformation. The rating spectrum includes the following:
— Left Bias — Left Center Biased — Least Biased — Right Center Biased — Right Bias —
Other classifications include: Pro-Science; Conspiracy-Pseudoscience; and Questionable Sources.
Ranked Choice Voting:
More states and cities are considering alternative voting systems in order to attract more voters to the polls as well as to save city and State taxpayers money by reducing the number of necessary elections and associated costs. The historic traditional voting system still prevalent in America is often called “winner-take-all” or “plurality voting”, where the voter chooses one candidate per race on a ballot and the candidate with the most votes wins the race. Ranked Choice Voting is a great option for saving taxpayers money and increasing voter turnout.
Click on website below, and then choose “How RCV Works” to review the two short videos explaining the process.
REAL ID-Compliant License or Identification Card:
“Beginning on October 1, 2020, federal agencies, including DHS and TSA, may only accept state-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards as identification for purposes of accessing federal facilities - including TSA airport security checkpoints - if the license or card was issued by a REAL ID compliant state in accordance with the REAL ID security standards (meaning the license or card must include the REAL ID compliant marking). Please check with your state driver’s license agency on the process for obtaining a REAL ID-compliant license or identification card.”
For further information, click on the following link: